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The Project of the Levy Charging for Regulated Recyclable Containers and the Management Improving of Responsible Producers

In respect of unregistered container enterprises investigation, this project submitted 661 suspected responsible enterprises without registration, among them there were 530 unregistered enterprises (the effective rate is 80.2 %) including 465 container product enterprises, 65 flat container enterprises. Under the inspection of this project, 313 enterprises had registered as responsible enterprises and declared sales volume total 536.4 metric tons, and paid the recycling and disposal fee NT$ 3,212,359. The project had studied environmental design methods for container, and made a draft of differential levy fee. Besides, the revenue and expenditure of every container materials were also discussed. Analyzed the causes of low collection rate for specific container materiel (<70%) and proposed amendments of the fee rate. Reviewed the scope of pesticide container operators and assessed the feasibility of using container usage as a target for levy fees. It was recommended to maintain the current levy mechanism. In addition, the responsible enterprises were asked to declare the number and weight of pesticide containers for collecting container usage data collection. Regarding the issue to subsume blister lining and clamshell into regulated recyclables, it was recommended to follow the flat container management method, because the items mentioned were too easy manufacture to identity levy object. In addition, the project had assisted 35 cases of container responsibility interpretations and 2 material recycle code identificationst. The project had collected and studied the information of foreign waste container management systems, including Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United States, and Japan. Analyzed the environmental design trend in Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Collected practical cases such as light-weighting, easy to recycle, recycled materials, using promoting the usage of PET colorless bottles. And submitted the green design principles for domestic container products.
Regulated Recyclable Containers、Levy of Containers Recycling Fee、Responsible Enterprise